Monday, March 10, 2008

Sudden Death

A young man died in our community last week. He was only 17 years old. The sad thing is that he was a great student, a kind brother, a pious Muslim and an ambitious young man.

It seems to many (especially those I met at the funeral) that Allah is taking the "good ones" early. What is your take on that? How do you feel about having to bury your son or daughter?

Remember, this is another sign of the "Hour", sudden death. A car accident is a sudden death as is a heart attack, no preparations were made to clear your sins and replace them with good deeds.

Are we taking this as a reminder to us or are we just mourning with the family for a few hours or couple of days and we go right back to our lives again, the way we've been living them, no changes. Our Qurans are collecting dust on the bookshelf until next Ramadhan.

I will not say what disappointed me during this time for fear that someone will read this blog and recognize the family of the deceased. But I was devastated by many things I witnessed and experienced during this past week.

May Allah enter Iman into our hearts. May He increase us in knowledge and faith and love for our deen and our ummah. May Allah bring us reminders of the Hour without testing us beyond what we are capable of handling. May He bless us and our family and our home and our friends.

Ameen, ameen, ameen.

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